5 Tips To Spruce Up Your Home This Summer

Spruce Up Your HomeWe all get bored eventually! Bored of the same old car, the same old hair color and even the same old place you get a coffee at every morning. We spend countless hours every day unconsciously looking for something to bring our lives change. Whether we like it or not, change makes us feel alive.

Our homes are no different. The longer your live in one house, the more you will inevitably get bored with it. Don’t let your home become ordinary. Here are five extraordinarily cool things to do to your home this year to help spruce it up!

1. Replace Your Window

  • I know what your thinking, we are a replacement window company and we have a vested interest in telling you to replace your windows. This statement, while not entirely incorrect, is not the only reason we are suggesting you consider replacing the windows in your home. When you choose to replace the windows in your home you not only improve your home’s overall energy efficiency but you also have the opportunity to give it a new look. Don’t like the color of your current windows? Wish you had double hung window instead of sliders? New windows can solve all your problems!

2. Paint Your Front Door

  • Nothing says curb appeal quite like a uniquely painted entry door. Instead of replacing your old wood, steel or fiberglass entry door this year, consider painting if with high quality exterior paint from Sherwin Williams. A new entry door system can cost you as much$5,000 while you can paint your old entry door for less than dinner at your favorite restaurant. By painting your door, you will be able to choose a color that makes your happy to arrive home to every night!

3. Install a White Picket Fence

  • If your neighborhood allows it, install a short (waist-high) white picket fence around your entire front yard. Creating a classic look, white picket fences really make our homes look like something out of Truman Show. Take time to plant flowers next to fence to finish off this grand look. Harkening back to a time of innocence and youth, white picket fences are something everyone appreciates and everyone wants!

4. Light Up Your Home

  • The other night, as I drove into my subdivision, I took notice of the houses on my street. Many of these homes were adorned with your typical landscape lights. A smattering of dimly lite areas sprinkled amongst dark blobs of veiled landscape and yard ornamentation. We spend hours and hours every week primping our lawns and hundreds of dollars a year keeping them green, only to allow the camouflage of night to render them black. By installing sufficient LED landscape lighting around your home, your weekly sweat equity will make your neighbors jealous even at night!

5. Install a Metal Roof 

  • Not for the faint of heart, metal roofs can cost you a pretty penny but if you are looking for dramatic curb appeal look no further than a new metal roof. Once thought only appropriate on a barn meant to last a 100 years, metal roofs have become a major aspect of American architecture. While metal roofs may cost more than traditional asphalt roofs, they last forever. A properly installed standing seem metal roof will never need to be replaced making it one of the most GREEN building products on the planet. Looking to live in your home for a very long time and don’t want to go through the headache of replacing roof again? Metal roofs will solve all your problems and make your home the talk of the neighborhood!

Just because you have lived in your home for over a decade doesn’t mean you can’t still enjoy it. Get creative and spruce it up. There are hundreds of projects you can do to your house this year that will once again revitalize the pride in your home.

If you are considering replacing the windows in your home this year, give Pure Energy Window Company a call today to schedule a FREE in-home window consultation. Call (844) 449-9990 or click on the link below.

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