How Many Windows Should I Replace?

windowsIf your windows are leaking, your utility bills are through the roof or your home is inundated with noise from outside, its time to consider replacing the windows in your home. Whether your home has 10 window or 50, you will have to decide how many of them to replace.

In 1983 a man named Sam Walton introduced the world to the idea of buying in bulk. Mr. Walton was the creator of Sam’s Club, a membership only warehouse shopping center where customers could purchase name brand good in bulk quantities for lower than retail prices. Consumers quickly realized that Sam’s Club had great deals provided they were okay purchasing 50 sticks of butter at one time!

Window replacement is no different. The more windows you buy, the less they cost per window. Here are 5 things to consider when deciding how many windows to replace in your home.

1. Do you care if your windows match?

  • Maybe I’m not the best person to give advise about this subject because I like things to match but it is a fair question to consider when replacing the windows in your home. If you decide to replace only some of your windows, make no mistake about it, your windows will no longer match. Don’t believe the window salesman who tells you that their white window will look just like the white window in your home. Your old windows are just that, old! They have undoubtedly faded and changed over time, making them very difficult to match. In the end, if your choose to only replace some of your windows, start by replacing the windows that face the front of your home. This way if you never get around to replacing more, at least the windows that everyone sees look their best!

2. Is energy-savings why you’re replacing your windows?

  • Energy saving is the number one reason most Michigan homeowners replace the windows in their home. Whether you are looking to lower your gas or electric bill, no one home improvement project has a greater impact on your utility costs than replacing your windows. The old, inefficient windows currently occupying the walls of your house do very little to keep Mother Nature out. When deciding how many windows to replace in your home consider the following analogy. If you have boat that is leaking out of 10 different size holes, the only way to keep your boat from eventually sinking is to plug them all!

3. Is having clean windows important to you?

  • Nothing makes a home look fresh and clean quite like recently washed windows. Clean windows provide your home with a crisp sharp look while also showing your neighbors that you care about the appearance of your house. Most windows that are 15 years or older, are not easy to clean. They typically don’t rotate to expose the exterior glass nor are the sashes removable for ease of cleaning. One look into replacement window today quickly revels that ease of cleaning is paramount for most window manufactures. If you choose to replace only some of your windows, you will eventually become frustrated as some of them will be easy to clean, while others will be a pain in the butt!

4. Resale value? 

  • Let’s face it, when we spend our hard-earned money on a home improvement project, we hope that one day it will make our home more valuable. Remodeling Magazine just released the 2016 Cost vs Value Report. This report analyzes the top 26 home improvement projects homeowners do each year and what they can expect to get back if they sold their home after the project is completed. Replacing the windows in your home is considered to be a great investment. At a 73% return on investment, window replacement nets you a larger return than a major kitchen remodel (61%) or even a bathroom remodel (65%). If you choose to replace only a few of your windows however, you will not be able to list your home for sale and say you have new windows. Saying you have “some new windows” sure doesn’t sound as good as saying you have “all new windows”!

5. Get a better deal buying in bulk! 

  • As I mentioned in the opening paragraph, buying things in bulk will almost always get you a better deal. Window replacement is no different. Most window manufactures give replacement window companies discounts if they purchase more windows at one time. As with most construction projects, as volume increases, cost decreases. In addition to volume discounts, unless you are hiring your cousin who works out of his truck, most replacement window companies are licensed builders. As licensed builders we must pull a Building Permit to legally replace the window in your home. Building permits range in cost from $100 all the way up to $500 depending on the city you live in. If you choose to do this project in multiple phases, you will pay this permit every time you replace more windows!

The most appropriate and economical way to replace the windows in your home, is to replace them all at one time. If replacing all of your windows at one time is not financially feasible consider replacing them in no more than 2 phases such as the front and then the back.

If you are considering replacing the windows in your home, give Pure Energy Window Company a call today to schedule a FREE No-Obligation In-Home Consultation. Call (844) 449-9990 or click on the link below to get started today!

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