Do My Windows Need Replacing?

wood window needing to be replacedHere at Pure Energy one of the most common questions we get ever year after year is, Do My Windows Need Replacing? 

As more and more homeowners look to improve the beauty and value of their homes, window replacement has become a hot topic over the past 5 years.

Here is a list of signs that you should probably replace your old windows:

  1. When you touch the inside pane of glass on your window in the summer and it’s very warm.
  2. Conversely, if you touch the inside pane of glass on your window in the winter and it’s very cold.
  3. If you see black mold on your window frames or hardware.
  4. If you see condensation between the panes of glass.
  5. If your window frames are cracking or peeling.
  6. If you can no longer lock your windows or the window screens don’t fit right.
  7. If you can hear your neighbors talking outside and it sounds like they are right in your living room.
  8. If your utility bills are high.
  9. If you can’t be in your house during the summer without the window shades being shut.
  10. If your transition glasses are as dark as sunglass inside your home.

If you are curious whether or not you should replace your windows it may be time to have a replacement window consultation from a Pure Energy professional. Give Pure Energy a call today to schedule a free no obligation window consultation.


Free No-Obligation Consultation

Request your free no-obligation window replacement consultation with Pure Energy Window.

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