How to Choose the Right Window Company
While you may have established relationships with many professionals in your life—your hairdresser, your dentist, your mechanic—you may not currently have a go-to window company. Whether you’ve simply never upgraded your home windows before or didn’t like the last company you worked with, you may be wondering how to choose the right window company for your up-and-coming project. You should
5 Areas In Your Home That Are Costing You Too Much Money
As another holiday season draws to a close, inevitably most of us find ourselves in debt. Whether you overspent on Christmas presents for the family or decided to take that holiday trip to Paris, most Americans begin the new year in debt! So how do we get out of debt? Well, we could put in more hours at work or
5 Ways To Beat the Heat in the Motor City
About 4 years ago my father and his girlfriend moved to Arizona. If you ask him today what he thinks about the place he will tell you that Arizona is where people go to die! In some strange way, I think he is correct. See, most Michigan residents spend their entire lives complaining about how bad our winters are. Icy