7 Things To Consider When Replacing Your Home Windows

Window shopping tipsReplacing the windows in your home can be an exciting time! Maybe your windows are drafty and allowing cold air into your home or maybe your windows no longer open and you are concerned for your family’s safety. Whatever the reason may be, you have decided to replace the windows in your home and there is no looking back now. Replacing the windows in your home isn’t cheap and before you get too far into this project, here are a few things to keep in mind.

Over the past eleven years, I have helped thousands of Michigan homeowners replace the windows in their home. I have been involved with windows projects both big and small. Whether you are replacing 2 windows are 60, the decision to hire a reputable replacement window company shouldn’t be left to chance. Here are 7 things to keep in mind when interviewing potential replacement windows companies.


  • It doesn’t matter how many windows you are replacing, finding the right company is super important. Don’t be fooled by flashing television advertising or a smooth talking salesman, do your research. Almost every company doing business in Southeastern Michigan is apart of the Michigan Better Business Bureau. Here you will be able to find both positive and negative customer testimonials that are legitimately left by actual customers. Unlike websites like Ripoff Report.com or Pissed Customer.com where individuals can leave anonymous and even fake testimonials, the Better Business Bureau confirms and verifies every testimonial left on its website.


  • Replacement windows come in many flavors. Today you can purchase wood windows, vinyl windows, fiberglass windows, composite windows and even very durable PVC windows. Each of these materials have their PROs and CONs but with a little research you will be able to decide what it right for you. If staining or painting your windows every 3 to 5 years doesn’t sound appealing, then purchasing wood windows shouldn’t be a consideration. This is only one of many questions you will have to ask yourself during your replacement window material search. Save yourself time and money by investigating a potential company even before you bring them out your home. This will give you a clearer picture of what type of windows they sell and what questions you may have for the salesman who comes out.


  • Just because you have the tools to do a job, doesn’t mean you are qualified to do it! Over the past 10 years, as new home construction died a slow death, everyone and their brother moved into the home improvement industry. The result of this catastrophic shift changed the home improvement industry forever. Once filled with skilled men and women who cared about the homeowner, these new self-proclaimed home improvement gurus were really only concerned with one thing, Greed! If a contractor could complete a 10 hours project in 3 hours he could make a lot more money. This theory eventually gave birth to the idea of subcontractors. General contractors discovered that they could pay a subcontractor a flat fee to complete a project. Because these subcontractors were not being paid hourly, they had little to no incentive to take their time. When interviewing potential companies for your project, be sure to ask whether subcontractors or company employees install their products. You won’t regret this question.


  • When is the last time you made a large purchase? Did you ask to see a copy of the guarantee before you made the purchase? Chances are you answered NO to the second question which is a bigger problem than you may think. See a warranty is a guarantee provided by the manufacturer of a product available for consumer consumption. It assures a buyer that the things they buy are of good quality and don’t contain manufacturing defects. Warranties give consumers the right to ask the manufacturer to deal with any issues according to their terms and conditions. The federal government requires companies to make a warranty easily accessible to prospective buyers and the product brochure must contain complete details of its warranty terms. Before you sign on the dotted line for any home improvement project, be sure to read a fully executed project guarantee.


  • So you have checked the guarantee and find that you are comfortable with what it covers. Now what? Well, if you ever have a problem you will have to deal with the company’s service department directly. It has been my experience of the past decade that the area a customer service has drastically declined. Unfortunately for most companies, service departments have become an area to place young first time workers, who are severely under qualified to service most homeowner issues. Before you hire a company investigate them on the Better Business Bureau website. The BBB has an entire section on their website dedicated to customer service where actual customers can voice their customer service experiences.


  • I always say, a man is only as good as his word. If you don’t trust the person sitting across the table from you, then don’t hire that company, PERIOD! First impressions are everything and a companies sales person should not leave you feeling like you already need a divorce! Trust is so important when it comes to hiring a company. These people will be in your family’s home and you need to feel comfortable with them being there. Depending on the complexity of a particular project, you may have to have extensive interaction with your salesman over the duration of the entire job.


  • Like it does with most things, every home improvement project comes down to price. If we all had unlimited funds to spend, we would hire the best of the best for every project. In the end however, most homeowners don’t have millions of dollars to spend and watching the budget is key to any project. One sure way to keep a home improvement project in check is to set a firm budget before you begin. Decided what is the most you are willing to spend on a particular project and then work to keep the cost under that number. Most home improvement projects that go over budget do so because no budget was every set in the first place. Just because something costs more doesn’t mean it is better. Do your research and find the right product for you project at a fair price.

Home improvement projects can be fun and exciting way to increase the value of your home while also making it a place you can be proud of. When deciding on the right contractor for you project, keep in mind these seven variables: Company, Product, Installation, Guarantee, Representative and Price. If for any reason you find yourself uncomfortable with any these areas, you should probably look for a different company.

Pure Energy Window Company prides itself on taking care of its customers. We are a Family Owned-and-Operated replacement windows company that is built on VALUEGive us a call today to experience the Pure Energy difference. Call (844) 449-9990 or visit our website at pureenergywindow.com 


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