5 Reasons To Replace Your Windows This Winter

window replacement winterThe green leaves on all our beautiful Michigan trees have gone crimson red and fallen to the ground in mounds the size of Mount Everest. We have traded swim trunks for jeans and water floatation devices for sleds and scarfs. This can only mean one thing one thing, its winter time in Michigan.

Like the annoying itch pestering your back while you try to fall asleep, we ignore the signs of winter’s onslaught in-hopes that it might go away. Inevitably, winter takes hold and turns our majestic lakes into giant, unforgiving ice cubes and our homes into stoves to keep our families warm.

It is during this time that most people don’t think of buying a lawnmower or even a new stylish swimsuit for next summer. It is however, a great time to find a deal on many off season items on your “I think we should get a new one next year” list.

While you probably have a billion things to consider on this list, new windows for your home should be on the top. If the windows in your home are draft and inefficient you are losing more than just the heat your furnace is working overtime to produce. Here are 5 Reasons to Replace Your Windows This Winter:

1. Energy Savings

  • I know you have heard this one a million times, new windows will save you money on your dreaded monthly gas and electric bill. This reason seems too easy to put here but the fact of the matter is, new windows will save you and your family money on your utility costs, Period! As much as 35% of your home’s energy loss is direct result of poorly insulated windows. Energy efficient replacement windows will increase the wall R factors and thus decrease your overall energy consumption. You can start saving this winter by replacing your windows now.

2. Make Your Home Aesthetically Pleasing

  • Even though your home my currently be covered in snow and massive stalactite icicles, new windows will give your home a wonderfully fresh look in the spring. It often takes a replacement window company 8-10 weeks to get your new windows in, so though you are buying them in the winter they will more than likely be installed in the spring.

3. Increase Family Security

  • In 1978 the United States banned the use of lead based paint. If your home was built prior to 1978, there is a chance that your windows have been painted with lead based paint. By replacing these old windows, you will be ridding your family’s home of a potentially harmful chemical.

4. Increase Ease of Operability

  • Right, its Michigan and we don’t open our windows from Halloween till St. Patrick’s Day. Inevitably however, we get that one warm day that we want to air out our holiday drenched homes. If you can’t open your windows, you will be stuck smelling that burnt pumpkin pie all night.

5. Decrease The Noise

  • Metro Detroit is home to some of the countries more vibrant and well lived in communities. While urban grown is great for our state, with growth comes noise. As, more and more people move to metro Detroit communities, noise becomes a factor in many people’s homes. New scientifically designed replacement windows have the ability to absorb sound waves and thus increase the window’s noise reduction coefficient. If you have to have your windows closed because the outside temperature is -5, it shouldn’t still sound like you have them open.

Winter is just as good a time as any to consider replacing the windows in your home. With the many options that exist, it helps to have a window professional guide you through the selection process.

Give Pure Energy Window Company a call today to set up a Free No-Obligation Quote with one of our Window Replacement Professionals.


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